4th November 2013
This building was designed by the architect Henry Williams in 1900-1, for Edward Everard who was a successful printer within Bristol’s thriving printing industry. The tiling is by WJ Neatby.
The tiled design depicts Johannes Guthenberg (c1395-1468) on the left hand side. Guthenberg is regarded as the father of printing and devised improvements in the movable type mechanical printing press in around 1440 which had a massive impact upon history. It contributed to the Renaissance and lead to the revolution in printing and mass literacy.
On the right hand side is William Morris (1834-1896) who had recently died. Everard was a follower of the Arts & Crafts ideal and wanted to celebrate the achievements of Morris who was responsible for the revival of craft printing in the 1880s at the Kelmscott Press.
Posted in William Morris by Laura